| 1. | Eye for an eye was drawn from exodus . “以牙还牙”引自《出埃及记》。 |
| 2. | This promise drew from me the warmest thanks . 这一许诺赢得了我诚挚热情的感谢。 |
| 3. | If possible , our examples will be drawn from chinese . 在可能范围内,例证均引自汉语。 |
| 4. | The portrait is drawn from life . 这幅像是写生的。 |
| 5. | These are lessons drawn from our set backs in the past . 这些是我们吃了苦头总结出来的经验。 |
| 6. | The following observations are drawn from available information . 从现有资料已可得出下列几点认识。 |
| 7. | What inferences have we been able to draw from one roll of the die ? 从掷一骰子的结果中可以推得出什么结论呢? |
| 8. | The funds needed will mainly be drawn from accumulation within the enterprise . 所需资金主要取自于企业内部的积累。 |
| 9. | Many of these decisions must be drawn from on-farm tests in the locality . 有许多决定是根据当地的现场试验得出来的。 |
| 10. | One observation may, i think, be fairly drawn from the whole of the story . 我认为,从全部往事中可以得出一个公正的结论。 |